Anthony Lee - Juin 01 2021
Keep your fitness and stay active

Qibla Honor watch, using the sensors in it, can monitor the movements of your body and know how long you have been sitting in one place for a long time, so it reminds you of the importance of changing the position of the body from time to time as sitting for a long time makes it difficult for the blood flow to the legs, and thus advises you to change the position of the body to facilitate the blood flow to the legs easily.
Doctors recommend that you exercise daily, such as walking, jogging, and stretching exercises every morning. Sport has several benefits, including:
1. Activating blood circulation in the human body.
2. Regulate the process of breathing, maintain fitness, and strengthen muscles.
3. Maintain bone flexibility.
4. Delay the onset of signs of aging and aging.
5. Improving metabolism.
6. Increase appetite and weight for those who suffer from thinness.
7. Get rid of the disadvantages of harmful meals such as fast food, by getting rid of excess fats from the body’s need.
Sport also has a prominent role in improving health and strengthening the immune system to fight disease-carrying viruses, help the body to get rid of toxins, and prevent chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, strokes and diabetes.
Moreover, the benefits of sport are not limited to the human body only, but also extend to mental health and treatment of many mental illnesses such as depression, social isolation, etc.